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مجموعه فایل های آموزش مقدماتی تا پیشرفته نرم افزار کتیا (CATIA) و مجموعه کتب, جزوات, پروژه و مقالات تخصصی مهندسی مکانیک

برتر فایل

مجموعه فایل های آموزش مقدماتی تا پیشرفته نرم افزار کتیا (CATIA) و مجموعه کتب, جزوات, پروژه و مقالات تخصصی مهندسی مکانیک

کتاب مدلسازی و تحلیل سیستم های دینامیکی

کتاب مدلسازی و تحلیل سیستم های دینامیکی (Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems)، مشتمل بر 10 فصل، 558 صفحه، به زبان انگلیسی، همراه با تصاویر، فرمول ها و جداول مهم، با فرمت pdf، به ترتیب زیر گردآوری شده است:

Chapter 1: Introduction to MATLAB, Simulink, and Simscape

  •  MATLAB Command Window and Command Prompt
  • User Defined Functions and Script Files
  • Creating a Script File
  • Defining and Evaluating Functions
  • Iterative Calculations
  • Matrices and Vectors
  • Differentiation and Integration
  • Plotting in MATLAB
  • Plotting Data Points
  • Plotting Analytical Expressions
  • Simulink
  • Block Library
  • Building a New Model
  • Simulation
  • Simscape
  • Block Library
  • Building a New Model and Simulation
  • Simulation

Chapter 2: Complex Analysis, Differential Equations, and Laplace Transformation

  • Complex Analysis
  • Complex Numbers in Rectangular Form
  • Magnitude
  • Complex Conjugate
  • Complex Numbers in Polar Form
  • Complex Algebra Using the Polar Form
  • Integer Powers of Complex Numbers
  • Roots of Complex Numbers
  • Complex Variables and Functions
  • Differential Equations
  • Linear, First-Order Differential Equations
  • Second-Order Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients
  • Homogeneous Solution
  • Particular Solution
  • Laplace Transformation
  • Linearity of Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms
  • Differentiation and Integration of Laplace Transforms
  • Differentiation of Laplace Transforms
  • Integration of Laplace Transforms
  • Special Functions
  • Unit-Step Function
  • Unit-Ramp Function
  • Unit-Pulse Function
  • Unit-Impulse (Dirac Delta) Function
  • The Relation between Unit-Impulse and Unit-Step
  • Functions
  • Periodic Functions
  • Laplace Transforms of Derivatives and Integrals
  • Laplace Transforms of Derivatives
  • Laplace Transforms of Integrals
  • Inverse Laplace Transformation
  • Partial-Fraction Expansion Method
  • Performing Partial Fractions in MATLAB
  • Convolution Method
  • Final-Value Theorem and Initial-Value Theorem
  • Final-Value Theorem
  • Initial-Value Theorem
  • Summary

Chapter 3: Matrix Analysis

  • Vectors and Matrices
  • Special Matrices
  • Elementary Row Operations
  • Rank of a Matrix
  • Determinant of a Matrix
  • Properties of Determinant
  • Rank in Terms of Determinant
  • Block Diagonal and Block Triangular Matrices
  • Inverse of a Matrix
  • Adjoint Matrix
  • Solution of Linear Systems of Equations
  • Gauss Elimination Method
  • Using the Inverse of the Coefficient Matrix
  • Cramer’s Rule
  • Homogeneous Systems
  • Matrix Eigenvalue Problem
  • Solving the Eigenvalue Problem
  • Algebraic Multiplicity and Geometric Multiplicity
  • Generalized Eigenvectors
  • Similarity Transformations
  • Matrix Diagonalization
  • Defective Matrices
  • Summary

Chapter 4: System Model Representation

  • Configuration Form
  • Second-Order Matrix Form
  • State-Space Form
  • State Variables, State-Variable Equations, State Equation
  • State-Variable Equations
  • State Equation
  • Output Equation, State-Space Form
  • Output Equation
  • State-Space Form
  • Decoupling the State Equation
  • Input–Output Equation, Transfer Function
  • Input–Output Equations from the System Model
  • Transfer Functions from the System Model
  • Relations between State-Space Form, Input–Output Equation and Transfer Matrix
  • Input–Output Equation to State-Space Form
  • Controller Canonical Form
  • State-Space Form to Transfer Matrix
  • Block Diagram Representation
  • Block Diagram Operations
  • Summing Junction
  • Series Combinations of Blocks
  • Parallel Combinations of Blocks
  • Integration
  • Closed-Loop Systems
  • Block Diagram Reduction Techniques
  • Moving a Branch Point
  • Moving a Summing Junction
  • Mason’s Rule
  • Block Diagram Construction from System Model
  • Linearization
  • Linearization of a Nonlinear Element
  • Functions of Two Variables
  • Linearization of a Nonlinear Model
  • Operating Point
  • Linearization Procedure
  • Small-Angle Linearization
  • Linearization with MATLAB Simulink
  • Summary

Chapter 5: Mechanical Systems

  • Mechanical Elements
  • Mass Elements
  • Spring Elements
  • Damper Elements
  • Equivalence
  • Translational Systems
  • Degrees of Freedom
  • Newton’s Second Law
  • Free-Body Diagrams
  • Static Equilibrium Position and Coordinate Reference
  • Massless Junctions
  • D’Alembert’s Principle
  • Rotational Systems
  • General Moment Equation
  • Modeling of Rigid Bodies in Plane Motion
  • Mass Moment of Inertia
  • Pure Rolling Motion
  • Mixed Systems: Translational and Rotational
  • Force and Moment Equations
  • Energy Method
  • Gear–Train Systems
  • System Modeling with Simulink and Simscape
  • Translational Systems
  • Rotational Systems
  • Summary

Chapter 6: Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical Systems

  • Electrical Elements
  • Resistors
  • Inductors
  • Capacitors
  • Electric Circuits
  • Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
  • Kirchhoff’s Current Law
  • Node Method
  • Loop Method
  • State Variables of Circuits
  • Operational Amplifiers
  • Electromechanical Systems
  • Elemental Relations of Electromechanical Systems
  • Armature-Controlled Motors
  • Field-Controlled Motors
  • Impedance Methods
  • Impedances of Electric Elements
  • Series and Parallel Impedances
  • Mechanical Impedances
  • System Modeling with Simulink and Simscape
  • Electric Circuits
  • Operational Amplifiers
  • DC Motors
  • Summary

Chapter 7: Fluid and Thermal Systems

  • Pneumatic Systems
  • Ideal Gases
  • Pneumatic Capacitance
  • Modeling of Pneumatic Systems
  • Liquid-Level Systems
  • Hydraulic Capacitance
  • Hydraulic Resistance
  • Modeling of Liquid-Level Systems
  • Thermal Systems
  • First Law of Thermodynamics
  • Thermal Capacitance
  • Thermal Resistance
  • Modeling of Heat Transfer Systems
  • System Modeling with Simulink and Simscape
  • Summary

Chapter 8: System Response

  • Types of Response
  • Transient Response and Steady-State Response
  • Transient Response of First-Order Systems
  • Free Response of First-Order Systems
  • Impulse Response of First-Order Systems
  • Step Response of First-Order Systems
  • Ramp Response of First-Order Systems
  • Transient Response of Second-Order Systems
  • Free Response of Second-Order Systems
  • Initial Response in MATLAB
  • Impulse Response of Second-Order Systems
  • Impulse Response in MATLAB
  • Step Response of Second-Order Systems
  • Step Response in MATLAB
  • Response Analysis Using MATLAB Simulink
  • Frequency Response
  • Frequency Response of Stable, Linear Systems
  • Frequency Response of First-Order Systems
  • Frequency Response of Second-Order Systems
  • Bode Diagram
  • Plotting Bode Diagrams in MATLAB
  • Bode Diagram of First-Order Systems
  • Bode Diagram of Second-Order Systems
  • Solving the State Equation
  • Formal Solution of the State Equation
  • Matrix Exponential
  • Formal Solution in MATLAB
  • Solution of the State Equation via Laplace Transformation
  • Solution of the State Equation via State-Transition Matrix
  • Response of Nonlinear Systems
  • Numerical Solution of the State-Variable Equations
  • Fourth-Order Runge–Kutta Method
  • Response via MATLAB Simulink
  • Response of the Linearized Model
  • Summary

Chapter 9: Introduction to Vibrations

  • Free Vibration
  • Logarithmic Decrement
  • Coulomb Damping
  • Forced Vibration
  • Half-Power Bandwidth
  • Rotating Unbalance
  • Harmonic Base Excitation
  • Vibration Suppressions
  • Vibration Isolators
  • Vibration Absorbers
  • Modal Analysis
  • Eigenvalue Problem
  • Orthogonality of Modes
  • Response to Initial Excitations
  • Response to Harmonic Excitations
  • Vibration Measurement and Analysis
  • Vibration Measurement
  • System Identification
  • Summary

Chapter 10: Introduction to Feedback Control Systems

  • Basic Concepts and Terminologies
  • Stability and Performance
  • Stability of Linear Time-Invariant Systems
  • Time-Domain Performance Specifications
  • Frequency-Domain Performance Specifications
  • Benefits of Feedback Control
  • Stabilization
  • Disturbance Rejection
  • Reference Tracking
  • Sensitivity to Parameter Variations
  • Proportional–Integral–Derivative Control
  • Proportional Control
  • Proportional–Integral Control
  • PID Control
  • Ziegler–Nichols Tuning of PID Controllers
  • Root Locus
  • Root Locus of a Basic Feedback System
  • Analysis Using Root Locus
  • Control Design Using Root Locus
  • Bode Plot
  • Bode Plot of a Basic Feedback System
  • Analysis Using Bode Plot
  • Control Design Using Bode Plot
  • Full-State Feedback
  • Analysis of State-Space Equations
  • Control Design for Full-State Feedback
  • Integration of Simulink and Simscape into Control Design
  • Control System Simulation Using Simulink
  • Integration of Simscape into Control System Simulation

جهت دانلود کتاب مدلسازی و تحلیل سیستم های دینامیکی (Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems)، بر لینک زیر کلیک نمایید:

کتاب مدلسازی و تحلیل سیستم های دینامیکی

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